I’m doing a bit of a clean-up on this site. Partly this is because I’ve written a lot of stuff in the last three years that I want to archive or forget; partly it’s because my metadata is shameful and needs a proper overhaul now I know what I’m doing; partly it’s because I want this to be more of a home space than it is right now.
I’m going to be shuffling things around to include a few more categories – I want there to be spaces here for thoughts about journalism, news and the media, current affairs, narrative theory, game design, and maybe some personal, fiction or creative projects too. I want a more accessible linksblog, and a more media-rich site, so far as that’s practical. That means making sure that people who only want to see some of that can do so sensibly, and a bit of a redesign to find a way of presenting things so that it feels comfortable. So over the next few weeks – maybe months – maybe longer – I’ll be experimenting. Let me know what you think.