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it <<continue "hurts">>hurts\n\nit <<continue "hurts">>hurts <<continue "more">><<continue "more than anything">>more than that time the mynah birds swooped at you their little beaks snipping at your feathers <<continue "you ran away in the end">>but you can't escape\n\nit <<continue "still hurts">><<replace>>hurts<<becomes>>hunts more than <<replace>>you remember ever hurting before<<becomes>>even when you fell out of the tree when you were a tiny thing<<becomes>>when you bent your long right leg<<becomes>>you had to hobble for <<replace>>four<<becomes>>five<<becomes>>six<<endreplace>> days straight because you could not bear to stand<<endreplace>><<endreplace>>\n\nyou <<continue "honk in pain">><<continue "honk out loud">><<replace>>honk<<becomes>>honk, your tongue standing proud<<endreplace>> and the men have attached a <<replace>>thing<<becomes>>yellow thing<<becomes>>yellow plastic thing<<becomes>>yellow plastic thing with a number on it<<endreplace>> and fixed it in place and it is <<continue "part of you now">>punched through your wing\n\n[[flap your wings]]\n
<<if $time eq 'dawn'>>\s\nyou are perched in a tall tall tree in a familiar place. the sun is rising and you have a very busy day ahead of you. it is <<replace "misty">>a swirl of wetcool in the coming light, bright air, your feathers wet<<endreplace>>. below you can see the flat expanse of a <<replace "reflective pool">>swimming place for screeching seaguls, you could <<replace>>wet your feet<<becomes>>dabble your beak<<becomes>> drink deeply<<becomes>> snap at the screechers<<becomes>> preen your feathers<<endreplace>><<endreplace>>, rows of trees on either side.\n\n<<continue "stretch your wings">>you flap effortlessly down from the hometree to touch your feet in the water.\n\n<<continue "wash">>you swoop dip shake your damp body in the shallow water. <<continue "preen">>you snap your unruly feathers back into place. you smooth yourself down. the sun continues to <<replace>>rise<<becomes>>haul itself up behind the tall tall towers around the tall tall trees<<becomes>>burn out the rising mist to reveal the clearest clear bluest blue of skies.<<endreplace>>\n\nyou are <<continue "hungry">>ready to [[fly!]]<<endif>>\s\n\s\n<<if $time eq 'dusk'>>\n<<if $feast eq 1>>it is time to go home. pick your fat distended tummy off the ground, still tasting the fish pearls in your gullet, and fly back to hometree following dozens of others who <<replace>>sit above<<becomes>>sit fat and fretting in the branches above<<endreplace>>. <<continue "settle">>you find a branch as the sunlight finally dies from the sky and <<continue "tuck your beak">>ready yourself for <<replace>>tomorrow<<becomes>>tomorrow. tomorrow is <<replace>>a new day<<becomes>> full of potential fish<<endreplace>>.<<endreplace>>\n\n[[sleep]]<<endif>>\s\n\s\n<<if $friend eq 1>>you do not return to hometree. <<continue "fly to newtree">>you follow the other ibis<<replace>>to a different tree<<becomes>>out over the water<<becomes>>past the bridge<<becomes>> past the bats flooding out to cloak the sky in darkness<<becomes>>past the huge tall trees choked with lorikeets<<becomes>>past the lights over the harbour<<endreplace>>. <<continue "choose a branch">>you might not be able to sleep here. it is too <<replace>>dark<<becomes>>quiet<<becomes>>strange<<endreplace>>. perhaps you will struggle. <<continue "fly to a branch">>the other ibis flies with you. it preens your feathers. you find yourself deciding that perhaps you will be <<continue "ok">>ok, <<continue "together">>together. perhaps tomorrow you will fly into the morning sunlight, together.\n\n[[sleep]]<<endif>>\s\n\s\n<<if $hunteryes eq 1>>even the bravest warriors must rest at day's end. you fly back to the hometree. <<continue "regale the others with tales of your daring exploits">>you try to tell them of your achievements but in the end they are unwilling to believe. but tomorrow you will find <<replace>>another lizard<<becomes>>a bigger lizard<<becomes>>a dragon<<becomes>>a dragon. eventually they will sing songs about your battles<<endreplace>>.\n\n[[sleep]] <<endif>>\s\n\s\n<<if $worship eq 1>>it is time to go home. your roost is not <<replace>>bright<<becomes>>stone-clad<<becomes>>fashionable<<becomes>>lofty like the pigeon friend's<<endreplace>> but it is safe and calm and it is <<continue "home">>yours. as the light finally leaves the sky you settle back in the <<continue "hometree">>hometree, under the glare of many <<continue "windows">>fruitbats flying a silent guard around you as you rest.\n\n[[sleep]]<<endif>>\s\n<<endif>>
<<set $quay = 1>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'morning'>>\s\nwater! <<continue "water!">>fly north to where the water meets the land, where the bigboats come and go. a man is playing <<continue "an early serenade">>a digeridoo, white marks on his dark skin. <<continue "flap your wings">>you show him the red and black patches beneath your wings. he does not look at you.\n\nthere is a <<continue "fountain">>stone block above which a curtain of water falls to earth over and over and over, you know this <<continue "place">>from the countless times you have visited before.\n\n<<continue "drink">><<set $watered = 1>>you bend your head to drink and a rowdy group of gulls <<continue "descends">>flies in beside you, squawking, scrabbling, pecking, <<continue "fighting">>growling in their throats like angry cats but with <<continue "sharper beaks">>the power to follow you and peck at you and so you <<continue "back away">>stumble and stretch your clumsy wings and one of them nips at your <<continue "feet">><<set $bruised = 1>>long webbed toes and so you leap into the air, you have drunk your fill, it's time to [[fly!]]\n\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'lunchtime'>>\s\nwater! <<continue "water!">><<set $watered = 1>>fly north to where the water meets the land, where the bigboats come and go, disgorging gulps of people in ungainly flows.\n\n<<continue "fly to the covered platforms">>you flap up to the long cool space with open sides where people <<continue "wait">>stand staring upwards, sometimes they eat <<continue "chocolate">>softsweet sticky stuff and throw away the <<continue "wrappers">>scraps they leave behind, and you can <<continue "taste">>tweezer them open and suck out the marrow.\n\nthere is a scrap of brown paper with a smear of a treat inside. it blows away.\n\n<<continue "give chase">>you follow it, stamping webbedfeet down the platform where it <<continue "gusts aside">>whirls in a sudden spiral and you <<continue "snap">>try to snatch it from the air but it <<continue "whisks away">>veers sideways through an opening so you <<continue "follow">>flap through too and it comes to rest, quiet, on a grey floor next to a bright yellow pole.\n\n<<continue "there is a dinging sound">>the door you have come through slides closed with a <<continue "zsssssshh">>sighing sound and a muffled voice speaks incomprehensibly and you <<continue "do not understand">>stand stock still with the scrap of paper in your beak, tasting the sweetness, watching the darkness outside the closed door whirr past.\n\n<<continue "wait">>it is dark outside.\n\n<<continue "wait">>there is a rushing noise and then bright light and you are going fast, fast, faster than even when you are flying with the wind in your feathers and the soaring sky beneath you, but your feet are on the ground and you are standing so still.\n\n<<continue "wait">>you feel sick.\n\n<<continue "wait">>there is a dinging sound and a rumbling inchoate jumble of noises and then there are people, coming towards you, and you shrink back under a seat and taste the last moments of sweetness on your tongue.\n<<set $time = 'afternoon'>>\n<<continue "wait">>the door swings back with another zsssssssshh sighing sound and the people stream out and when the last one has fled you <<continue "make a run for it">>flap agitated and excited and confused out into the <<if $market eq 1>>[[gardens]]<<else>>[[market]]<<endif>><<endif>><<set $travelled = 1>>\s\n\s\n<<if $time eq 'afternoon'>>\nwater! <<continue "water!">><<set $watered = 1>>fly north to where the water meets the land, where the bigboats come and go, disgorging gulps of people in ungainly flows. \n\nyou <<continue "land">>come to rest haphazardly half on half off a railing, grappling with your <<continue "toes">>big webbed feet to stay upright while the boat beneath you <<replace>>rolls<<becomes>>turns<<becomes>>bobs<<becomes>>dances<<endreplace>> in the unquiet water.\n\nthere are <<continue "tourists">>people with extra eyes they raise to their faces, laughing and <<continue "chattering">>honking at one another, clacking their beaks and <<continue "clicking">>perhaps they share the same hometrees out here so far from home.\n\nthey <<continue "cluck">>point at you as you struggle for balance, you are so <<continue "wobbly">>uncertain where to put your feet, one of them <<continue "squeals">>frights and moves away, making alarm calls, but another <<continue "raises his extra eye to you">>shhh noises her and points and there is a <<continue "double click">>bright flash of light and all of a sudden you are a <<continue "movie star">>movie star\n\nyou are <<replace>>kes<<becomes>>kevin<<becomes>>nigel<<becomes>>gulliver<<becomes>>donald<<becomes>>iago<<endreplace>>\n\n<<continue "balance and pose">>the others chatter and as you raise one leg and flap your wings they <<continue "coo">>murmur appreciatively and you are graceful, you are ballerina, the sea is yours <<continue "and then there is a sickening lurch">>and then the sea betrays you and you stumble sidewards down and <<continue "towards the water">>recover just in time to <<continue "dip low">>skim the waves with your wings and away, away, [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'evening'>>\nfly away, away, to the place where boats come and go, where the water kisses the sky. <<continue "soar">>soar and <<continue "swirl">>swirl and <<continue "sweep">>sweep along sweet streets into open spaces and land while the sound of the waves laps the land.\n\nyou are not the only bird here. there is a dizzy throng that clucks and bobs and sways back and forth as they approach along the brick pavement next to the water. <<continue "pigeons.">>dozens and dozens of pigeons visiting the water before they return to their glamorous homes in the bridges with views of the sea.\n\n<<continue "approach the water">>the pigeons fuss around you squabbling over scraps and pecking at the dirt. you come to the water's edge, to the steps down where the ships go. you lean to <<continue "drink">>drink and as you tip your head back you see a pigeon hopping next to you, leaning over the edge, its little neck too short to reach the water.\n\n<<continue "help it">>you hop down one step. you are not quite wetting your feet but you are close. the pigeon looks at you and coos, uncertainly. <<continue "honk reassuringly">>it clucks. it pecks its way closer to the edge. <<continue "hop down another step">>now the water is lapping at your feet, over your feet, but not too deep. it hops down to the step above you and approaches the next edge with fear in its tiny eyes. one foot in front of the other, bobbing its head. \n\n<<continue "splash it with your wings">><<set $worship = 1>>it is frightened! oh no! <<continue "reassure it">>you clack gently and splash a little and it relaxes and you <<continue "coax it to the water">>manage to show it that the water is not so scary and it hops down, finally, one more step and it is up to its breast in the lapping water, <<continue "tell it how brave it is">>you fuss it a little with your beak and it is shaking it is so excited and it drinks and flutters its feathers and then a big wave comes and it hops upwards and flaps to the next step.\n\n<<continue "wash yourself">>as you wash it peers back over the edge and hops down, two steps in one movement, and copies you dabbing your head in the water and letting it flow over your back before you both <<continue "hop out of the water">>flap to land and stand side by side as the other pigeons fuss and mutter around and about and the sun, the sun sinks down finally behind the tall buildings. \n\nthe other pigeons begin to fly to their roosts. your friend is leaving. <<continue "say goodbye">>you clack your beak softly two, three times, and then it flies away. it is time for you, too. it's time to [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>
(function(){ var render2 = Passage.prototype.render; Passage.prototype.render = function () { var b = render2.call(this); var t = this.tags.join(" "); document.body.setAttribute("data-tags", t); return b; }}());
you have been put down by the men and you are not in the net and you can flap your wings and it (the pain) is lessening now, you can think again, you can <<continue "flap your wings">>spread your left wing out and see the number, it is a special number, you have seen other ibises with <<continue "different numbers">>yellow plastic decorations and they are pretty but this one, this one is <<continue "yours">>the most special and the most beautiful. \n\n<<continue "flap your beautiful decorated wings">>the pain is receding and like the tide going out it has left such incredible jewels in its wake.\n\n<<continue "be the most beautiful ibis in the world">>it's time to [[fly!]]
there is <<replace>>another ibis.<<becomes>>a friend?<<becomes>>an enemy?<<becomes>>another ibis.<<endreplace>> \n\n<<continue "honk at it">> it looks at you. is it hungry?\n<<if $food eq 1>><<continue "full-belly satisfied honk">> it looks impressed. <<continue "fly to it">>it clacks its beak three times. \n <<if $home eq 1>><<continue "clack">>you are talking. \n<<continue "clack">> this is the best conversation you have had in weeks. \n<<continue "honk">>perhaps this will be your new friend. \n<<continue "honk">>perhaps you will go back to your new home together and steal twigs from the trees. \n<<continue "honk twice">>perhaps you could go hunting lizards in the morning, as the sun rises by the hometree.\n <<if $watered eq 1>>\n<<continue "preen">>your feathers are perfect. the other ibis has perfect feathers, so glossy and so white. perhaps it will teach you how to stay so clean.\n<<continue "spread wings">>you are strong. you are beautiful. you can see the other ibis and it is looking at you and you know you have the best beak and the best wings and even the pink patches under your armpits are beautiful, if it believes they are so.\n<<continue "beat wings">>you are the best ibis, apart from this <<continue "other ibis">>new friend you have made.<<set $friend = 1>>\nyou preen together. you honk together. you are fourfeet where twofeet were. where will you go together? it's time to find out. it's time to [[fly!]]\n <<else>><<continue "preen">>your feathers are bedraggled. you must make them <<continue "perfect">>as good as you can make them, you must <<continue "groom">>be beautiful, be beautiful ibis, be <<continue "the best ibis">>adequate, at least adequate, so the other ibis will <<continue "like you">>not fly away, not spread their wings and fly, like they are <<continue "about to do">>doing.\n\n <<continue "fly to the ground">>you scuffle around the bins for a while longer, alone. there is nothing left but scraps. <<timedinsert 3s>>enough. it's time to [[fly!]]<<endtimedinsert>>\n <<endif>>\n <<else>>\n <<continue "clack">>it clacks back. it is startled. you have come too <<continue "close">>near to it and now it is angry. <<continue "clack">>it stops clacking. it honks. it is <<continue "furious">>snapping at you with its long beak and you are only trying to be friends, you <<continue "back away">>take a ruffled step back and stumble off the pavement into the <<continue "street">>road where the cars are, you must not back off further, your foot hurts where you slipped and it is <<continue "stil honking">>so angry you are so sorry you are so sorry you are <<continue "sorry">><<set $enemy = 1>>flying away, there is nothing for you here, everything has gone. <<timedinsert 3s>>it's time to [[fly!]]<<endtimedinsert>>\n <<endif>>\n<<else>>\n<<continue "quiet inquisitive honk.">> it tilts its head. you have its attention. \n<<continue "clack beak">>it clacks back. two, three times. perhaps it is trying to be <<continue "friends">>nice, perhaps it just wants you to know it is not a threat. \n<<continue "gentle honk.">>it looks at you. do you dare to fly to it? do you dare to <<continue "eat a peach?">>eat a peach?\n\nas you gather the <<continue "strength">>strength in your legs to leap into the air another ibis flies, another other ibis flies to it and they clack their beaks together, it is <<continue "big">>bigger than you are and it ruffles its feathers and as you <<continue "stop for a moment">>hesitate they both spring skywards and flap away between the aerial lines and power cables and over the rooftops and <<continue "away">>away.\n\nthe streets are so <<continue "empty">>quiet now. <<timedinsert 3s>>there is nothing more for you here. it's time to [[fly!]]<<endtimedinsert>>\n<<endif>>
<<set $streets = 1>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'morning'>>\s\nfly a bright sheet of white through the morning sun. today is beautiful and you point your long beak west and <<continue "beat your wings">> the light streams down and burns off the morning mist.\n\n<<continue "land">>you are in a long street with quiet pavements still cool, the stone, on your webbed <<continue "feet">>feet. there is a noisy machine. there are dozens of <<continue "noisy machines">>fast-loud-frightening things tied to the ground. but this one is different. it is a morning food machine.\n\n<<continue "fly into its mouth">>it has a munching mouth that eats the food from big wheeled boxes. it would probably munch you too, if you came too <<continue "close">> near but you can follow along <<continue "behind">> and eat the scraps that fall out of its mouth.\n\n<<continue "play">>it is a great bounty of greasefood and smell and crinkling crackling paper and after a little while you are no longer clean and white but you have ripped little bits of meatfood from big inedible bones and you have never tasted garlic before\n\n<<continue "you are not alone here.">><<display "the other ibis">>\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'lunchtime'>>\s\nyou fly bright across the searing midday sky, beating blue on your back and your wings. below you the rooftops turn from squaretall glass and concrete to tile and brick. tamed plants poke out at intervals from balconies. \n\nhere there are square boxes with no lids where people put the food they do not want to eat any more. some days you can stand on the lip of one and dip your long beak in and pull out treasures.\n\n<<continue "perhaps today.">>you land, pulling your wide wings around the heat from the nearby buildings and flapping in a <<continue "elegant glide">>desperate attempt to keep your balance before <<continue "landing">>coming to rest abruptly atop a squarebox full of inviting crackly greasepaper and the scent of bones.\n\n<<continue "scuffle">>you skip your big webbed feet a little in glee before <<continue "diving">>steadying yourself and plunging the tip of your long curved beak into the <<continue "greasepaper">>crackling hot trash, searching by scent and by taste for <<continue "tasty morsels">><<replace>>greaseflesh<<becomes>>rawfish<<becomes>>saltrice<<becomes>>tinfoil<<becomes>>food<<endreplace>> they leave behind in helpful boxes here so you can thrive.\n\n<<continue "you are not alone here.">><<display "the other ibis">>\n\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'afternoon'>>\nthe stirring hustle of humans beneath you, whiling away the long hours antlike on their paths, as you soar skyhigh overhead with the strong sun on your wings. \n\n<<continue "swoop low">>you dip down, the hot air rushing over your body, feeling the <<continue "heat">>warmth rising from the afternoon streets, ducking and diving, <<continue "flapping">>barrelling and rolling, luxuriating in the <<continue "air">>sudden sidewards dash to avoid a man on a bicycle, two low wheels that can mash and mangle if you're not <<replace>>fast<<becomes>>smart<<becomes>>badass<<endreplace>> enough.\n\n<<continue "you are not alone here.">><<display "the other ibis">>\n\n<<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'evening'>>\ntime is waning. the light is fleeting. the sun dips beneath the tops of the tall buildings so you fly, fly down to the evening cafe pavements where tall people throng to and fro, carrying bags, sitting on chairs at cafes, eating, drinking, talking.\n\n<<continue "land">>you barrel to a halt in a side street, the hot tarmac under your webbed feet a counterpoint to the cool shade. you peek around the corner into the main road.\n\n<<continue "you are not alone here.">><<display "the other ibis">>\n\n<<endif>>\n
<<if $quay neq 1>>fly to the [[quay]]<<endif>>\s\n<<if $market neq 1>><html><br /></html>fly to the [[market]]<<endif>>\s\n<<if $streets neq 1>><html><br /></html>fly to the [[streets]]<<endif>>\s\n<<if $gardens neq 1>><html><br /></html>fly to the [[gardens]]<<endif>>\s\n<<if $quay eq 1 && $market eq 1 && $streets eq 1 && $gardens eq 1>><html><br /></html>fly to the [[park|ibis, fly!]]<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'evening'>><<set $time = 'dusk'>><<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'afternoon'>><<set $time = 'evening'>><<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'lunchtime'>><<set $time = 'afternoon'>><<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'morning'>><<set $time = 'lunchtime'>><<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'dawn'>><<set $time = 'morning'>><<endif>>
(function(){\nvar bs = String.fromCharCode(92);\nWikifier.formatters.unshift({\n name: "continuedLine",\n match: bs+bs+"s",\n handler: function(a) {\n a.nextMatch = a.matchStart+3;\n }\n});\n}());
<<display 'ibis standing'>>\n\n<<set $quay = 0>>\n<<set $market = 0>>\n<<set $streets = 0>>\n<<set $gardens = 0>>\n<<set $time = 'dawn'>>
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x++\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++xxxxx+\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [[ibis, fly!]] xxxxx\n++++++++++++++XXXx+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++xxxxx+\n+++++++++++++Xx#X#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++xxx+\n+++++++++++++X##X##+++++++++++++++++++++++x+xxx++xxx+\n+++++++++++xxXxX###++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++++++++++x#x#X###++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++++++++xx#Xx+X###xxxxxxxxxx+++++++++++++++++++++xx+\n++++++++X#+x+++###++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++xx+\n+++++++XXX+++++#X#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n++++++#XX+++++#X#++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++++##x++++++X##++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n+++++XX++++++#xX#+++-.,,,,;+x++++++++++++++++++++++++\n++++X#+++++++XX#X+-..,........+++++++++++++++++++++++\n++++#+++++++=XxX+;,...........,;+x++++++++++++++++++x\nx+++#+++++++=-X=-,............-xXxxx+++++++++++++++x+\n+++xX+++++++=,;;;..............xxxXxxX+++++++++++++++\n+++++++++++++=,.,.. ......... -xxx=#x+xx+++++++++++++\n++++++++++++++;.,........ ... .--#;=+x++++++++++++++++\n++++++++++++++,;-,.... .. .. ...=+=;=xxxxxxx+++++++++\n+++++++++++++++-=-...............;+++#+++++++++++++++\n+++++++++++++=+=-;,............. .=++=xXx++++++++++++\n+++++++++++++++++.-............. .+X##X###x++++++++++\n+++++++++++++++++-,,.,............=X###X##XX++++xxxx+\n++++++++++++++++++=-,,,,..........+X#######XX++++++++\n+++++++++++++++++++,-;,,,,........+X########x#+++++++\n++++++++++=++=++=+++,-;,;,,,......,;##########X++++++\n+++++++++++++++++++++-+---;;,,....;##+########xxxxxx++\n++++++++++++++++++++++-++=-;-;,,,,=##########XXxxxxx+\n+++++++++++++++++++++++=x+-..;.,;-xX+XXX######xx+++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++x-..-.;,####x#x+X###x++++++\nxxxxxxxxxx+++++++++++++++++xx;x,;xXX######X####xxxxxx\nx+++++++++++++++++++++++++++#xx+;+++x+XXX######+xxxx+\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#+X+++++++xxxxX+#XxX+++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++XX+++++xx+xxx-=xxxxxxx\nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx++++#++x#X+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx+\n+++++++++++++++++++xxxxxxxxx#+++Xx+++++++++++++++++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#x++#++++++++++++++++++++\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++x#x++#++++++++++++++++++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#+++#++++++++xxxxxxxxxxx+\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#+++#++++++++++++++++++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#+++#++++++++++++++++++++\n++++++++++++x+++++++++++++++#+++#++x+++++++++x+++++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++x#+++++++++++xx+xxxxxx\nxxxxxx++++x++++++++++++++++X#x+x#+++++++++++x++++++++\n+++++++++++++++++x+xxxxXxx+--x=-=X###X#XXxxxxx++++++++\n++++++++++++++++++++++xxXX+=-=--=+############xxxxxx++\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#++x#+++xxxX######xxxxxxx\n+++++++++x+xx++=+----=--=----=+++++XXxxx++++++++x+++++++++
<<display 'ibis flying'>>
<<set $market = 1>>\s\n<<set $food = 1>>\n<<if $time eq 'morning'>>\s\nyou are hungry hungry. fly across the breezes to fishsmell where you know every day they throw away more flesh than you can consume, if you could find where they leave it.\n\nshouting and boats and the clang crash of metal shutters. the roar of engines and smoke in the bright air. <<continue "swoop down">>you land on the pebble scree at the edge of the blue water. there are rocks here, and little tenderfish. the water laps at your ankles.\n\nyou are a <<continue "hunter">><<set $hunter = 1>>dangerous monster bird. you stomp your webbed feet and the little specks of sand dance. the mussels on the shoreline are too slow for you. you gobble each one up with your long pointed beak.\n\nif you flew high enough you could stomp the whole <<continue "city">>city but here you are, wetting your ankles, mouth full of softflesh slime on your tongue and in your gullet, swallowing each morsel whole.\n\nyou are <<continue "sated">>no longer hungry hungry and the sun is heating the water around your feet. the smoke and bustle and the shouting is increasing and the screeching seagulls are gathering. there is too much noise. it's time to [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'lunchtime'>>\s\nyou are hungry hungry and it is time to eat. fly across the breezes to the place where every day they pull out all sorts of fish from the hostile sea and feed it to the people who live on this land.\n\nit is foodtime and there are dozens and dozens of people carrying trays of softfish friedfish bigfish littlefish all sorts of fish but none of them are fish you can have.\n\n<<continue "the gulls are brave">>the gulls are cheeky, they are small enough to sit on the canopies and spy out their targets and chatter to each other and <<continue "swoop">>strike down in one long <<continue "dive">>audacious stunning acrobatic moment and <<continue "steal">>take the friedfish right off a plate.\n\nyou are not so <<replace>>brave<<becomes>>foolish<<becomes>>graceful<<endreplace>>.\n\n<<continue "steal friedfish">>you are bigger than the gulls. you can <<continue "muscle in">> take a lump of fish and <<continue "escape">>flap away from the crowd and <<continue "devour">>swallow it in jerking gulps, imagining you are fast and bold and not alone and the little squawkingangry gulls admire you and take scraps from you instead.\n\nyou are <<continue "sated">>no longer hungry hungry. the screeching seagulls are gathering. they hunch their shoulders over and dip their heads and yell at you. there is too much noise. it's time to [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'afternoon'>>\s\n<<if $travelled eq 1>>you stagger stumble confused from the strange hissing tube that takes the people away, stretching your wings, taking in the hotsizzle fishsmells and the jumble of shouting market stalls and noises.<<else>>fly fast across the breezes, you are hungry hungry, follow the strong scent of friedfish to the place where hungry people go to pull the fish out of the sea and swallow them whole.<<endif>>\n\n<<continue "the hot sun is wearing down the day">> there are stragglers carrying packets of freshfish out to their cars. it is bustling busy with walkers. the blue sky kisses the blue water.\n\n<<continue "fly">>fly behind the main building to the <<continue "tables">>benches and chairs with canopies that shade the <<continue "people beneath">>few families who remain eating <<replace>>friedfish<<becomes>>saltfish<<becomes>>cookedfish<<becomes>>rawfish<<endreplace>> off bright gleaming white <<continue "plates">>plates and shiny silver foil and paper packages.\n\nthere is a glistening scrap under the table. <<continue "investigate">>it is about the size of your body, a crumpled ball of foil and fishgrease. <<continue "investigate further">>it is not a threat. <<continue "peck">>it is stiff and sharp at its edges. <<continue "peck">>it is not all edible. <<continue "peck forensically">>it smells good and squeezed inside if you can reach it is a lump of whitefish. <<continue "peck excitedly">>you succeed in tearing a hole in the foil. <<continue "extract fish">>gently you lever open the hole and tear at the whitefish inside with your long useful beak. <<continue "eat">>your beak is excellent. <<continue "eat">>you are happy you have such a helpful long and excellent beak. <<continue "eat">>the fish is cool and slimy and wet in your throat and it flakes into tiny chunks that you pick up precisely with your perfect beak like tweezers. <<continue "eat">> you are alone under the table and your beak is excellent.\n\nyou are <<continue "sated">>no longer hungry hungry and the sun is winding the afternoon away. you have finished your fish and all that is left is shiny crackling sharp edges and dust. it's time to [[fly!]]<<endif>>\n<<if $time eq 'evening'>>\nfly fly fly on darkening wings as the sun begins to fall down the long day's arc. the bustle and hustle and hubbub of the market is beginning to slow. the fishmen are shouting quieter. the foil and paper scraps under the tables are playthings for seagulls, stripped bare of food.\n\n<<continue "make your landing">>you swoop down amid a gaggle of busy brightwhite gulls screeching over territory, a cruise ship among tugs. you are giant. you are tall and sleek. you are hungry.\n\n<<continue "hunt">>you look for the seagull screeching loudest. <<continue "triangulate">>you see a group of six or seven huddled around a mound of shining red-and-silver something on the ground, squabbling. <<continue "stalk your prey">>you sneak up on them. <<continue "be very sneaky">>you are so quiet on your long legs, so quiet and so subtle. <<continue "be a ninja">>you are a giant white and black ninja fish assassin.<<continue "steal their most prized treasure">>you are a master thief and you are standing knee deep in red-silver fish heads making a honking noise louder than any gull could create.\n\n<<continue "feast">><<set $feast = 1>>you will dine like a prince. <<continue "feast">>no. you dine like a king. <<continue "feast">>you pluck out only the most shining and delicate fish eyes with your long plunging beak. <<continue "feast">>they slide so smooth down your long throat, such delicious juicy pearls.<<continue "feast until you are replete">>red blood stains the feathers on your belly. the seagulls roar around your legs but you are their king and they and all others must bow to you. you are lord ibis.\n\nyou are <<continue "sated">>no longer hungry hungry and the sun is dipping down and darkening. the smoke and bustle and the shouting are shutting up the shops, the people are departing,the screeching seagulls are squabbling over what's left. there is too much noise. it's time to [[fly!]]<<endif>>
ibis, fly!
<<set $gardens = 1>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'morning'>>\s\nthe sky is so bright so light it is almost white. the new day's sun glistens on the water and shines the green lawns as you <<continue "fly above">> crash unceremoniously into a palm tree where you can survey the morning. it is a good tree. perhaps you could <<continue "live here">> wake up here some days instead of hometree.\n<<set $home = 1>><<set $jealous = 1>>\nthere are <<continue "lorikeets">>brightflash colourful sparks that trill and speed across the sky in twos and threes. you <<continue "watch">>shrink back into your palm tree as they come to rest in a tall tree opposite, looking for flowers to drink, baring their blue faces and saying hello hello to one another.\n\nyou <<continue "try to say hello">>honk gracelessly. startled, they fly away.\n\n<<continue "fly to the water">>your reflection: longnecked. blackheaded. bonylegged. your feathers are mottled brown where they should be pristine white. even the <<continue "cockatoos mock you">> brightwhite tiny dinosaurs, yellow-crested, flocking in packs, such elegant purposeful shapes.\n\nyou will never have a blue face or a bright green back or a punk yellow crest or a dinosaur call.\n\n<<continue "perhaps you will">>perhaps this is not a better place than hometree after all. there are better places. you are hungry. it's time to [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'lunchtime'>>\s\nthe sky is deep ocean blue and the sun is warm on your back. you soar above green fields packed with shouting runners booting balls back and forth, above scrums of activity outside the sandstone gallery where the mynah birds sing strident on the roof, above the women in sun hats and the men in shorts and the runners.\n\nsome of them must have sandwiches.\n\n<<continue "land">>you curl your wingtips around a gust of air and bring yourself to the ground. <<continue "strut">>walk proud across the pristine green grass towards the pool where <<replace>>moorhens honk<<becomes>>eels slither<<becomes>>fish swim<<becomes>>families eat<<endreplace>>.\n\n<<continue "meander">>you could live here. <<set $home = 1>>the lawns are your domain. <<continue "walk">>you are the biggest bird. <<continue "strut">>you could be the king bird. <<continue "stalk">>you could be a mighty hunter. <<continue "saunter">>a man throws a net over you and though you <<continue "struggle">>try to fly away you <<continue "can't">>cannot get free and he tightens the net and takes hold of you with his big, gloved hands.\n\n<<continue "peck">>you latch your long beak onto his hands and he ignores it. <<continue "flap">>he holds your wings tight, you cannot fly. <<continue "honk">> you open your beak to howl the injustice of the world through your imperfect throat and he stretches out your left wing with his hands and another man ducks in and punches something through your beautiful inviolate wing and it [[hurts]]\n\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'afternoon'>>\s\nbelow you the zip and swish of swallows as they hunt tiny insects low above the grass. below you the hush and swat of waves lapping at the stone wall, the hum of cicadas. you <<continue "land">>come to rest at the edge of a small pool with a fountain at its centre\n\n<<continue "drink">>you edge close to the lip of the water to dip your long beak in but as you <<continue "drink">>lower your head there is a silver flashing filip that makes the water <<continue "bubble">>roil and squirm as eels pass beneath the surface.\n\nyou do not want to be <<continue "eaten">>nibbled or gnawed by their long smiling mouths again so you <<continue "hop">>flap into the tree at the centre of the pool where the <<continue "cormorants sit">>wet-winged black-backed cormorant acrobats splay themselves out for the sun to dry.\n\nthe tree is pregnant with cormorants like <<continue "peaches">>odd fruit that stand proud in the bright sun. waterbirds <<continue "like you">>more than you are, swimmers while you wade, but there is a kinship here.\n\n<<continue "splay your wings">>you are flapping more than you are basking but the cormorants follow suit. <<continue "call this place your home">>you stand tall on your long legs and honk in solidarity with your cormorant brethren. this will be home from <<continue "home">><<set $home = 1>>home, until they fly together back to the sea and away, their sharp straight beaks for hunting, their lean slick feathers for diving, and you with only wading legs left behind.\n\n<<continue "honk">>honk a salute goodbye. you will return here as an ambassador. for now, it's time to [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>\s\n<<if $time eq 'evening'>>\s\nsoar as the afternoon light strikes fire off the tall glass buildings, soar between the towers to the green green grass and paved pathways where people jog busybusy or meander aimlessly hand in hand. \n\nthere is a <<continue "lizard">>what is it where is it oh oh where has it gone it's <<continue "there!">>right there! a tiny brown flash of scampering feet moving <<continue "zigzag">>back and forth among the brown leaves, you are <<continue "stomping">>a dinosaur intent on that flash of sudden movement and you are <<continue "chasing">>running after it, it is fast but you are <<continue "faster">>not faster, but <<continue "bigger">>yes bigger and badder and you are giant and it is so small and you will, you will, you must, you are going to <<continue "catch it">>grab the middle of its little body between the tweezer tips of your hooked beak and <<continue "lift">>raise it high into the air and call out and tell the whole world: <<continue "I AM HUNTER">>you are hunter. <<set $hunteryes = 1>>\n\na few lorikeets bright in the nearby trees scatter yelling alarms at your cheerful honking.\n\nyou <<continue "do not care">>are HUNTER. <<continue "devour it">>you toss the lizard into the air in one easy movement and gulp it down. you wish someone had seen your trick, how graceful and elegant and <<continue "deadly">>powerful you are. you are a hunter and you have practised and now, now you will go back to hometree and you will show off your skink-tracking powers and maybe tomorrow catch another, maybe. it's time to [[fly!]]\n<<endif>>\s
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